Lords International



The Lords International’s Wheat is Sortex Cleaned wheat grain from Gujarat and is longer in size and has an overall elongated appearance and feels heavy on the palm. The Lords International’s with its expertise and experience selects the superior quality among these grains working directly with the farmers throughout the year to pack the most premium sortex clean wheat grains in its flagship product “The Lords International”.

Bag Size: 25/50 Kgs PP Bags

Wheat Flour

Entire Wheat flour is usually known as Chakki Atta in India and for the most part, utilized for making Chapatis, Puris, Parathas, and so forth which are among the staple eating regimen of Indians. Generally, useful flour regularly known as Maida is utilized for making Pastries, cakes, Pasta, and other expelled items that utilization fine flour.

Wheat is an exceptionally nutritious grain but its health benefits depend entirely on the form in which it’s consumed. Highly refined and processed wheat grain loses Bran and Germ the most nutritious parts of the grain during the extraction process and hence stripped of their natural goodness.

Bag Size: 25/50 Kgs PP Bags